Garrido Stray Rescue Foundation Mission

We are 100% volunteer based and do not have a facility. Our mission is to reunite found pets on the Northwest Side of Chicago and rehome those whose owners cannot be found. With the help of Portage Park Animal Hospital, Rising Sun Veterinary Clinic, Dog House of L.C.& L. and Pack Mentality Dog Training we are able to provide veterinary care, grooming services and training. We are only able to rescue and provide care with the generous help of our ever growing network of animal lovers. Some of our programs are Microchipping Initiatives, Court Advocacy for victims (animals) of cruelty and abuse, and Pet Food Pantry for those in need.


benji Before


benji after


jack before


freddie before


jack after


freddie after


Saving one pet may not change the world, but for that pet, the world will change forever.

Thanks to your generosity we are able to make medical decisions based on need not cost. Every pet rescued gets the care they need to survive.

$15 DonationThe cost of a monthly dose of heartguard for a puppy like Nina.

$15 Donation

The cost of a monthly dose of heartguard for a puppy like Nina.

$25 DonationFood and toys for a month for a pet like Liara.

$25 Donation

Food and toys for a month for a pet like Liara.

$50 DonationFood and toys for a month for a pet like Jaxson.

$50 Donation

Food and toys for a month for a pet like Jaxson.

$100 DonationHelp cover a day of hospitalization & medications for a pet like Ethan and Buffy.

$100 Donation

Help cover a day of hospitalization & medications for a pet like Ethan and Buffy.

$150 DonationBenefit a pet going under neuter/spay procedure, like Mila who was tied to a fence and left to fend for herself.

$150 Donation

Benefit a pet going under neuter/spay procedure, like Mila who was tied to a fence and left to fend for herself.

$190 DonationHelp cover the cost of cremation for a homeless pet, like Terry, who was found deceased during Christmas time and placed in a lobby by a Christmas tree at the 16th Chicago Police District.

$190 Donation

Help cover the cost of cremation for a homeless pet, like Terry, who was found deceased during Christmas time and placed in a lobby by a Christmas tree at the 16th Chicago Police District.

$300 DonationCover initial visit, shots, deworming and microchip for pets like Jenny, who was saved by our foundation after being dumped in a park during a pet event.

$300 Donation

Cover initial visit, shots, deworming and microchip for pets like Jenny, who was saved by our foundation after being dumped in a park during a pet event.

$1000 DonationBenefit a pet going under an emergency surgical procedure, like Yuki whose lip had to be reconstructed.

$1000 Donation

Benefit a pet going under an emergency surgical procedure, like Yuki whose lip had to be reconstructed.

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If you have a big heart for animals and want to provide a temporary and loving environment, see how you can foster our rescues while they wait for their forever homes.

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The Garrido Stray Rescue Foundation would not be possible without volunteers. See how you can help with one of our free community microchipping events or help our pet rescues. We’d love to have you on our team.



Are you looking to add a pet to your family? We have adoptable pets in the Chicago area who need loving homes. Learn who would be the perfect fit now. Please note we DO NOT adopt out of state of Illinois.


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